Burma Army Losses Climb as it Intensifies its Attacks in Karen Areas – 284 Dead Soldiers, and 297 Wounded

Burma Army Losses Climb as it Intensifies its Attacks in Karen Areas – 284 Dead Soldiers, and 297 Wounded

The number of armed clashes between Karen soldiers and Burma Army troops during May and June increased.

A Karen National Liberation Army spokesperson from its 5th Brigade said its records showed fighting since May had been on the increase.

Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh said that with the increased number of clashes were higher death and wounded rates.

Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh told Karen News since May until the end of June the KNLA had killed 284 and wounded 297 Burma Army soldiers.

“The number of operations run by the Burma Army against us has increased. From May 26 to the end of June, there have been 254 clashes, with 156 people killed and 117 more wounded.

Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh said in May, the KNLA 5th Brigade recorded 193 conflicts, 128 Burma Army soldiers killed and another 180 wounded.

Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh listed for Karen News that the Burma Army had a sergeant and a battalion commander killed in the June clashes, seven military council vehicles were destroyed and 19 horses carrying supplies for the junta troops were killed. The KNLA had one soldier killed and eight wounded.

Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh said two civilians were killed and another six wounded and many thousands displaced. He explained the displacement was caused when the Burma Army fired 232 artillery shells into civilian villages and at upland farms.

He named the Light Infantry Battalions as 410, and 430 that was under the Military Operations Command No.8. Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh said the Burma Army also killed livestock belonging to villagers.

Lieutenant Colonel Saw Kler Doh explained fighting between the Burma Army and Karen soldiers is happening in 1st Brigade, 3rd Brigade and 5th Brigade areas. The Karen National Union said the fighting has increased in Brigade 1 and Brigade 3, and that the Border Guard Force militia sponsored by the Burma Army, are reinforcing their troops in the three brigades.

For villagers fleeing the Burma Army offensives and military airstrikes, there is little or no relief as the majority of them have not been able to return to their homes and are still living in temporary shelters, in desperate need of medical and basic food supplies.

The Military State Administration Council’s soldiers and police are being attacked by elements from the recently formed People’s Defense Force (PDF), that is made up of mostly anti-coup activists.

Fighting between the PDF and SAC troops has broken out in Karenni and Shan States, the Sagaing Region and some parts of the Mandalay region. In Kachin State, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) has defeated Burma Army soldiers and is now occupying their military bases.

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