Brig-Gen Saw Nedah Mya: We Want Political Change

Brig-Gen Saw Nedah Mya: We Want Political Change

Brig-Gen Saw Nedah Mya established a new Karen armed group called the Kaw Thoo Lei Army on 17 July, which is independent of the Karen National Union (KNU) and the Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO), for which he was previously responsible. Saw Nedah Mya said the new army will work with other armed groups to overthrow the military regime.

Why did you form the Kaw Thoo Lei Army?

It's to build a federal army and we're making progress achieving this. Sometimes politicians make mistakes, so we want to be a back up force. The Kaw Thoo Lei Army was formed to fight against the enemy.

Is it an independent or is it under the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA)?

This is an independent organisation. We'll will cooperate with other stakeholders to fight the dictatorship. Some of the KNU leaders are working with the military regime. Under these circumstances, it's not easy for us to work under them. We're not able to fight against the military regime, and it's difficult to move forward. That's why we've formed a new armed organisation. It isn't a split. We'll work with other stakeholders including the KNLA and KNDO, who're opposing the junta. The goal of establishing the Kaw Thoo Lei Army is to take action against the dictatorship.

Has the Kaw Thoo Lei Army split from the KNU?

Frankly, we want political change (in the KNU). The KNU conference was six years ago. According to official policy, the conference has to be held every four years yet no one has taken responsibility for this. In my opinion, some KNU leaders are walking a path that was created by the enemy. We want to move forward and take action against the military regime. We'll work with other organisations, including the People's Defence Forces (PDF), who're fighting against the military regime. But we'll not work with organisations cooperating with the enemy.

Does that means Kaw Thoo Lei Army aren't working under the KNU?

At this time, we aren't under the KNU.

Does this mean the Karen armed organisations have fractured?

The groups haven't broken up. Some DKBA soldiers are fighting against the Burma Army (BA). Some soldiers from the KNU/KNLA Peace Council are also fighting the BA. We're trying to unite them all to fight against the military.

Will you work with the KNLA and the KNDO?

We'll work with all of the stakeholders, who're fighting against the military regime. That's why we've formed the Kaw Thoo Lei Army. One day we'll have one Kaw Thoo Lei nation and we have to be united, which is why we're trying to regroup the Karen armed groups and established the Kaw Thoo Lei Army. If we want a Kaw Thoo Lei nation, we must have a Kaw Thoo Lei army. We're not trying to replace or regroup the other Karen armed organisations. We have knowledge and experience, so we'll not do anything foolish. We're not stupid; we won't attack our own people. We formed this organisation because we want to move forward to make a better future.

Some people have criticised your decision to create a new group? What would you say to this?

People see it in different ways. They should view it as a positive step. We've been part of the revolution for many years. We will never let the people suffer. We have always worked for our people and made our enemies unhappy. People can observe our future plan and activities to see that we intend to create unity between the groups and a mutual understanding. We're not narrow-minded. Everyone is welcome to join us as we work towards the political goals of the Karen people in new direction. We're not doing anything that's divisive.

What's the political goal of the Kaw Thoo Lei Army? Have you already developed a political strategy?

We have not yet worked out a political policy. For this, we'll proceed step by step. Our first concern is to remove the military regime and then we'll work out our policy.

What challenges does KNDO face following the establishment of the Kaw Thoo Lei Army?

They (KNU) have removed me from KNDO after 25 people were killed. Brig-Gen Saw Shee Lay was appointed in my place, making it complicated for me to be involved with KNDO. I want to do something to fight against the enemy and work for my people. This is why we've formed the Kaw Thoo Lei Army and  we are working with other organisations and others that are fighting against the BA.

Can you tell us where the Kaw Thoo Lei Army's area is? Have you demarcated an area?

At this time, I cannot provide these details.

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