Bombs exploded in Muse Township, injuring 7 people including 2 militiamen

Bombs exploded in Muse Township, injuring 7 people including 2 militiamen

Three bombs blasted in Muse Township on the Myanmar-China border in nothern Shan State injured 7 people including 2 militiamen.

At around 11:30 AM on November 14, three bombs exploded in succession on the road leading to Mingalar Muse in Kaung Mu Toan Neighbourhood of Muse Township. A local man told Shan Herald that a total of 7 people including 2 militiamen were injured in the incident.

“I don’t know who planted the bombs. The bombs explode continuously in the same place. One of them was the loudest and the surrounding houses were shaken. 7 injured people have been sent to hospital. Among them are 2 militiamen”, he said.

Currently, the Military Council soldiers and police are investigating the area where the bombs exploded.

There were two bomb blasts in Muse on August 1, killing 2 policemen and injuring 4 others.

Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Shan State Progress Party (SSPP), the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) and the Military Council are actively operating in Muse Township of northern Shan State, and bombings often occur.

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