BGF threatens to draft 15 men per ward for Myanmar’s Shwe Kokko border area

BGF threatens to draft 15 men per ward for Myanmar’s Shwe Kokko border area

The Border Guard Forces (BGF) under the Military Council is threatening to draft 15 men from each ward in Myawaddy town, Shwe Kokko, Kayin State through ward administrators, a local source told Mizzima.

There are five wards in Shwe Kokko and the BGF are recruiting personnel to use in frontline operations.

“They asked for 15 men per ward and also asked for money from those who could not follow them. There are houses that charge up to 2,000 baht (around more than 100,000 kyats),” a local said.

Refusal to participate in recruitment can lead to extortion and there are also cases of forced recruitments.

“Recently, 15 men were taken to work as security guards at YaHtaik housing in Shwe Kokko. Even if you want to do security here, you have to attend BGF military training. We have not been able to contact the people who were taken away on that day,” another local said.

The BGF conducts annual recruitments in Shwe Kokko and locals are now worried about the ongoing clashes in Karen State.

The Karen National Union (KNU) has also stated that the BGF is committing human rights abuses in Shwe Kokko, BGF territory.

Currently, clashes between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the junta troops are underway. They began in Lay Kay Kaw Myothit at around 11:00 am, December 15.

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