Ayeyarwaddy court sentences two men to 24 years in prison for treason

Ayeyarwaddy court sentences two men to 24 years in prison for treason

Two political prisoners were each sentenced to 24 years in prison at Pathein District Court in Ayeyarwaddy Region on 28 September.

Zin Ko and Kyaw Zin Lat, both 20 years old and from Einme Township in Ayeyarwaddy Region were sentenced to 24 years in prison each.

They received 20 years in prison for breaking penal code sections 122 (treason) and 124 (knowledge of treason). They also received two years under penal code 505 (a) (undermining the morale of military or government employees) and two years under Arms Act 19 (f) (possession of an unlicensed firearm), according to a source who spoke to Mizzima.

The source said: “They were given penalties of 20 years under Sections 122 and 124, 2 years under Section 19(f), and 2 years under Section 505. (a). We are unsure if they will be eligible for a reduced sentence or not.”

According to lawyers, Zin Ko Ko and Kyaw Zin were arrested in possession of firearms in early August 2021 in Pathein District’s Chaung Thar Township.

According to prison staff at Pathein Prison, more than 300 male political prisoners and 50 female political prisoners have been imprisoned there since the February 2021 coup.

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