arty reshuffle means junta chief's dream of becoming president comes true: Analysts

arty reshuffle means junta chief's dream of becoming president comes true: Analysts

The change in leadership within the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) is intended to fulfill coup leader General Min Aung Hlaing's dream of becoming president, political analysts and veteran politicians said.

The former police chief, U Khin Yi, who is the military leader's close ally, became the party's official chairman during the two-day meeting of the military-backed USDP’s 3rd conference.

According to meeting attendees, U Khin Yi was elected party chairman, U Myant Hein and U Hla Htune as deputy chairman, U Tin Aung Chit as co-secretary general, and the remaining positions of vice president and general secretary were reserved for those transferring from the military side.

Political analyst U Ye Tun (Hsipaw) opined that the retirement of some of the army's top-ranking generals and their switching to the party is a move to make it easier for the chairman of the military council to assume the presidency.

U Khin Yi, the USDP chairman, retired from the army as a brigadier general and served as the police chief under former military leader Senior General Than Shwe.

U Khin Yi served as the Minister of Immigration and Population under former president U Thein Sein administration in 2010, and after the military took power in a coup in 2021, he came back to hold the same position.

On August 18, the military council forced U Khin Yi to step down from his position as minister, and on October 5, he was elected as the chairman of the USDP Party.

Veteran politician U Pe Than predicted that General Min Aung Hlaing would be elected president because the two representatives from the Tatmadaw and the Fitness Party comprise more than half of the Hluttaw's members.

Political analyst Dr. Sai Kyi Zin Soe made the comment that the USDP party reshuffle is a preparation for holding the election as a political escape for the military regime and that there might be more controversy in the upcoming political environment.

General Min Aung Hlaing's military group overthrew the civilian government and declared a state of emergency in accordance with the 2008 constitution after alleging electoral fraud in the 2020 general election.

On February 1, 2023, the military group's state of emergency period will come to an end. According to the 2008 constitution, the military group must hold elections within six months of the end of the state of emergency.

General Min Aung Hlaing, the military leader of the coup is currently preparing for the upcoming election by appointing his allies and confidants with military backgrounds to the USDP party.

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