ANP to decide next course of actions on 6 March

ANP to decide next course of actions on 6 March

As a leader of Arakan National Party (ANP) has been serving the Myanmar military council and  another  leader joined the United League of Arakan (ULA), the party's central committee will decide about its next course of action in the forthcoming central committee meeting.

ANP’s central committee will meet on 6 March to discuss whether it should go for an emergency conference, said Tun Aung Kyaw, a member of the party's policy steering committee.

“Some leaders become alienated to the party. We need to discuss the party’s constitutional issues too. The meeting will decide whether to convene an emergency conference over these issues,” he added.

The central committee meeting of ANP was organized on 27 February virtually and it will now resume on 6 March next.

The party won most seats in Rakhine State during the November 2020 national elections, but it faced criticism because of internal conflicts.

Presently, a senior member of ANP's policy steering committee Daw Aye Nu Sein has been inducted in the military council, but another one  U U Hla Saw has joined the ULA / AA.

A number of Rakhine political analysts commented that these are pertinent issues which should be resolved by the ANP leaders and put forward to the people of Rakhine State.

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