On July 8 the Junta launched a military attack on Wonekhone village of Mindat township, M'Ghinghlaw village-tract. The attack involved the firing of two 500-pound bombs, four cluster bombs, rockets, and .50 caliber rounds into the area where people and internally displaced persons (IDPs) reside.
A resident of Mindat Township said, "Military Council troops launched airstrikes on the civilian village without any apparent cause. Subsequently their warplanes made three rounds of circling and unleashed machine gun fire. The civilian village was targeted without any apparent cause,"
In Wonekhone Village, Mindat Township, Chin State, three individuals, including a child and a nursing mother, lost their lives due to military airstrikes. Three civilians, including a child and a nursing mother, tragically lost their lives, and one person suffered severe injuries due to airstrikes carried out by the Military Council using 500-pound bombs and artillery shells.
From the military coup until the end of April 2023, the military council conducted at least 77 airstrikes in Chin State, leading to the deaths of 64 Chin nationals.
As per the Institute of Chin Affairs (ICA) report, out of the 64 deaths caused by the airstrikes in Chin State, only 10 individuals were members of the Chin Defense Forces. The remaining 54 victims were innocent civilians who tragically lost their lives in these attacks.
According to local reports, the airstrikes and artillery shell attacks conducted by the Military Council resulted in the loss of three lives. The victims include a 9-year-old girl, a 30-year-old nursing mother, and a 65-year-old woman. Additionally, a 45-year-old man sustained serious injuries in the same incident.
It has been reported that the school in the village was also damaged as a result of the military airstrikes, along with approximately 10 homes belonging to civilians.
The Chin Defense Force (Mindat) has announced their plan to investigate and respond to the pilot responsible for the attack in collaboration with revolutionary forces.