AA urges Rakhines to boycott junta products

AA urges Rakhines to boycott junta products

The leader of the Arakan Army (AA), urged ethnic Rakhine people to not use products manufactured or distributed by the military owned Myanma Economic Holdings Limited.

Major Aye Tun (a.k.a. Tun Min Naing) made the request in a Rakhine language post on his Facebook page on 17 May.

In the post he said: “Ethnic Rakhines also have a responsibility to stop using military-related products including Mytel Simcards, Myanmar Beer, Ruby cigarettes, etc. The Junta has interfered in the flow of goods going to Rakhine State. They are trying to control of everything in Rakhine State.

To bring down the Junta regime, shop owners and consumers need to refuse to sell products from military-related [companies] to the Rakhine people.”

Zaw Win, an activist in Kyauktaw Township said: “Though we need to boycott military-related products it will take time to take effect because Rakhine merchants still have some of those products in their stores.”

He explained: “If they stop selling all military products right now the merchants will face lots of difficulties because they have large stocks in their warehouses which might include some military-related products. AA officials need to give the merchants some time. They must be given some time to sell their stock [of military-related products]. We need to make sure that merchants do not buy any more military-related products.”

The military has set up a checkpoint in Ann Town where they inspect all trucks carrying goods into Rakhine State. They cause damage because they stab knives into bags of food to check for weapons.

Myanma Economic Holdings Limited has significant interests in various industries including banking, tourism, real estate, transportation, metals, construction, mining, agriculture, tobacco and food through subsidiary companies that enjoy a privileged position in the Myanmar economy.

The military dominates some sectors of the economy, including trading, natural resources, alcohol, cigarettes, and consumer goods.

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