AA Commander-in-Chief Attends Northern Alliance FPNCC Committee Meeting in Pangsang, Wa State

AA Commander-in-Chief Attends Northern Alliance FPNCC Committee Meeting in Pangsang, Wa State

On March 15, the Federal Political Negotiation and Consultative Committee (FPNCC), which is made up of seven ethnic armed groups from the Northern Alliance, commenced its committee meeting in Pangsang, the capital and headquarters of the United Wa State Army (USWA).

A delegation led by Major General Twan Mrat Naing, the commander in chief of the Arakan Army (AA), was also present at the meeting.

China’s Special Envoy’s meetings with key leaders in Myanmar may be aimed at finding a solution to the current crisis and establish a plan for peace.

Only then will China’s interests in Myanmar continue to work for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), according to China affairs expert Hla Kyaw Zaw said.

Political analysts have stated that the present circumstances in Myanmar, as well as the growing strategic political and military connections among alliances, are likely to be topics of discussion during the meeting.

The meeting between FPNCC committee leaders came about after China’s Special Envoy to Myanmar, Deng Xijun, met with the ethnic armed leaders of the Northern Alliance and also met the Chairman of the Military Council.

U Ye Tun, a political analyst and former Pyithu Hluttaw representative, said to Narinjara, “ China’s Special Envoy visited Nay Pyi Taw and encouraged ethnic groups through the State Administration Council (SAC) not to accept aid related to US moves and the announcement of the NDAA law by the United States.”

He added “ Prior to the envoy’s arrival, the SAC also urged the groups not to provide assistance to the PDFs and requested that the next election be held in Wa State. Maybe the committee members will consider and discuss these points.”

U Ye Tun also believes that it is possible that the committee leaders are currently holding a meeting to adjust their response to address these pressures.

Following the Pangsang meeting, the leaders of the FPNCC are scheduled to travel to Kunming, China to hold talks with government officials.

The FPNCC was established in 2015 and is composed of various northern ethnic armed groups, including the United Wa State Army (USWA), Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA), Arakan Army (AA), Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), and National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA).

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