8888 uprisings day event held in Mawlamyine to mark the root of Myanmar’s Democracy

8888 uprisings day event held in Mawlamyine to mark the root of Myanmar’s Democracy

The commemoration of the 31st Anniversary of 8888 (August 8, 1988) Uprising also known as “Myanmar’s root to Democracy” took place at Taung-Pauk monastery in Mawlamyine, the capital of Mon State on Thursday August 8, 2019.

U Kyaw Kyaw Moe, lead organizer for Mawlamyine’s 88 ceremony committee said, “It is not just a commemoration ceremony. We need to continually maintain the biggest day of the pro-democracy movement in Myanmar’s history.”

Referring to the anniversary as a beginning or root, is because “it’s not our victory yet. It is the root of democracy which has been developing into stems, branches, fruits, and flowers, he added.”

Nai Layae Tamarh, a representative of the Mon Unity Party (MUP), who also presented at the event said, “That democracy has not reached maturity in Myanmar. The authorized government needs to take more accountability in addressing people’s needs.”

“Likewise, people across the country has been still demanding for Democractic Federal Union. So, if the people’s soldiers acknowledge it, we must move forward to establishing genius democracy. This must be directing to the federal union with self-determination ” Nai Layae Tamarh added.

Other speakers noted the sacrifices of those involved in the 8888 uprising and called for financial support for their families.

Mon State government representatives from the Hluttaw [parliament], political party representatives, former students from the 8888 Uprising, the Mon State Students Union, and representatives from local civil society organizations attended the ceremony.

Commemorative events were also held at Mahabandoola Park in Yangon where a statement was made to mark August 8th as an democratic uprising day for Myanmar. Speakers at the 88 ceremony held in Mandalay city called for an official acknowledgement of Democracy Day of every year.

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