40 police and soldiers surrendered to Hakha CDF since February 2021

40 police and soldiers surrendered to Hakha CDF since February 2021

In the three years since the military coup approximately 40 police and soldiers surrendered to Hakha Chinland Defense Force (Hakha CDF), according a representative of the group.

All of these police and soldiers were stationed in Hakha town and surrounding areas.

“Immediately after the military coup, many police officers and Burma army soldiers in Hakha Township joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM). Later, a few soldiers surrendered to us now and then. I think around 40 police officers already surrendered to us in Hakha Township,” an officer of Hakha CDF told Khonumthung News.

Among the 40 police and soldiers who deserted since February 2021, the majority have been police officers.

The Hakha CDF accepted the most recent desertion on 2 March 2024, when a police officer who worked in Hakha town surrendered along with his weapons and equipment. The policeman surrendered with an assault rifle, 300 bullets, two magazines, two grenades, and a bullet proof vest. The Hakha CDF gave him five million Kyat as a reward and sent him to a liberated area.

“Some police and soldiers are unable to bring their assault rifles when they desert. Around half of them have brought their rifles and other military equipment when they surrendered to us. We typically give them a reward of five million Kyat if they bring their weapon when they surrender to us. After that, we send them to safer area,” the Hakha CDF officer told Khonumthung News.

The Hakha CDF recently released a statement urging police and Burma army soldiers to abandon the regime and join the people's revolution as soon as possible.

The Hakha CDF statement suggested that police and soldiers contact them if they want to surrender or join the CDM.

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