2 Years of Internet Shut-down in Paletwa Viewed as Military Weapon Economy Health and all Services Disrupted

2 Years of Internet Shut-down in Paletwa Viewed as Military Weapon Economy Health and all Services Disrupted

Paletwa Township in Chin State remains stable, yet the Military Council has imposed a two-year-long internet access blockade in the area. Despite the region's stability, residents have reported a lack of internet access for over two years, which has disrupted communications and everyday life.

Starting from September 23, 2021, the Military Council began blocking internet access in several townships within Chin State, including Paletwa. The extended internet shutdown has been viewed as a tactic to conceal human rights violations by the Junta’s troops. Critics argue that the Military Council is employing the internet blackout as a weapon for these purposes.

A Paletwa resident has stated, "The internet has been unusable for a prolonged period, and phone lines are disconnected. This has made communications  hugely difficult. Although some are using IPSTAR for internet access, phone-based internet remains unavailable."

This local resident pointed out that, "Without internet access, our healthcare, social interactions, and economic activities are falling behind. We are left in the dark about events and information. Having internet access would greatly enhance our lives."

Back in 2019, the Myanmar military disrupted internet connectivity for over a year due to intense clashes between the Arakan Army (AA) and the Military Council troops in Paletwa Township.

After the coup on February 1, 2021, the Military Council promptly restored internet access within a few days.

Following the conflict between the Military Council troops and the Chin People's Defense Forces in Chin State, the Military Council has maintained the internet blackout to this day.

According to a Kyauktaw-based businessman, the internet shutdown has disrupted online money transfer services, necessitating the use of traditional banking channels, which is more time-consuming.

"I can't access the internet, which makes money transfers quite a challenge. I can't use KPay for sending money, so I have to resort to bank transfers. This causes significant delays, even for transactions that require immediate transfer and withdrawal. It's been causing a lot of difficulties," he explained.

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