10 youths arrested, held incommunicado in Launglon and Dawei

10 youths arrested, held incommunicado in Launglon and Dawei

The regime forces and its ally Pyu Saw Htee militia arrested 10 local youths from Dawei and Long Lon towns in Tanintharyi Region, and their family members couldn’t contact them until now, the residents told Than Lwin Times.

Five Dawei residents, including Ko Phyo Htet Aung, were arrested on suspicion by the Military Council in their homes and on the streets in the second week of September.

On the evening of September 18, five Launglon villagers were detained by the military council and the Pyu Saw Htee group who were providing the security along the road between Pandale and Minyat villages.

A local said that Ko Phyo Htet Aung is being interrogated, and the whereabouts of the other nine are unknown, and their families have not been able to contact them.

These young people have been arrested on suspicion of having political affiliations for posting political content on social media, and most of them have been arrested without reason.

Locals in Dawei also said that families are seeking legal advice in order to ensure that individuals who have been detained are not unjustly abused by military personnel and are soon released.

The resistance forces have advised people to check their mobile phones for posts related to politics before leaving their homes after the military council forces in Dawei and Launglon intensified security.

The military-controlled propaganda newspapers are reporting daily that the National Unity Government (NUG) and the PDF are using social media to sabotage the regime's administration, to intimidate and to spread propaganda.

The Military Council is also prosecuting those who engage in this behavior under the Anti-Terrorism Act , incitement charges and  the Electronic Transaction Law.

The military council has kept more than 12,400 persons in prison nationwide, according to a statement released on September 16 by AAPP, The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

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