10 residents arrested on tip-off from military supporters

10 residents arrested on tip-off from military supporters

At least 10 people have been arrested since the third week of October in Mon State’s Kyaikto Township due to the incitement to arrest them by pro-military Telegram accounts.

Military supporters are urging the junta regime to arrest those who oppose the military council, those who support the National Unity Government (NUG), those who are anti-dictatorship activists, and those allegedly involved in the PDF by posting about them on their Telegram channels.

A total of at least 10 people were arrested, including Daw Nu Nu Yi and Daw Moe Moe Yi from Kankaw; Ko Kyaw Zin Latt from Fakkaleik Ward; and Ko Shai Aung Htan and Ma Myint Ma from Ward 4 of Theinzayat Ward due to the mobilization of army supporters.

Among those arrested are businessmen, supporters of the NLD party, and locals who are not affiliated with any group, while some of them were arrested due to misinformation based on personal grievances.

According to locals, the military council forces are demanding huge amounts of money from those arrested, and some have been charged under various sections.

After the military coup, at least 100 businessmen and anti-military activists were arrested in Kyaikto Township, and most of them were sentenced to prison terms by the Military Council.

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), nearly 16,000 individuals were jailed around the country following the military coup.

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