Narinjara News

A newly formed Arakanese nationalist party is gearing up to register with the Election Commission by the end of April to contest the forthcoming...
The tiny Himalayan nation, Bhutan will host the next South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation summit in capital Thimphu....
Identity cards for members of the National United Party (NUP) have been issued in Maungdaw Township on the western Burma border by township NUP...
Ponna Kyunt: A main traffic channel in Arakan State between the Kaladan and Mayu Rivers, has been blocked after authorities constructed a railway...
Eighteen Arakanese men and women were among 170 people injured in the bomb blasts during the New Year's water festival in Rangoon on 14 April, said...
The Burmese military junta is gearing up to celebrate New Year festivities in Sittwe, the capital of Arakan State, but Arakanese people are not...
Wild life in Arakan State has become scarce given the indiscriminate killing by hunters and locals, said an environmental worker...
Cox's Bazaar: The UNHCR on Monday started a Bengali language class for Burmese urban refugees in Cox's Bazaar,....
Local people on the western Burma border are worried about the spread of HIV after two Burman settlers set up prostitution networks in their homes,...
Five political parties have registered with the Election Commission since the electoral laws were announced by the junta authorities on 8 March, but...
Family members of 11 detained Arakanese youth submitted an appeal to the judge in the notorious Insein prison asking for an opportunity to be present...
For Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the participation of her party in the election under the unjust rules of the Burmese junta is not the ultimate goal. At the...
A Nasaka officer, who had widely abused human rights in Maungdaw on the western Burma border was sentenced to prison after he was removed from his...
Two Muslim businessmen will lead the USDA party on the western Burma border after the military junta transformed the USDA into a political party for...
An armed gang of kidnappers has demanded 20 million Kyat from a tribal Arakanese Khami family in Buthidaung Township after abducting the head of the...
