Burmese refugees unable to attend UNHCR's Bengali language school

Burmese refugees unable to attend UNHCR's Bengali language school
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Cox's Bazaar: The UNHCR on Monday started a Bengali language class for Burmese urban refugees in Cox's Bazaar,....

Cox's Bazaar: The UNHCR on Monday started a Bengali language class for Burmese urban refugees in Cox's Bazaar, a sea resort in southern Bangladesh.

But none of the refugees are able to attend the class because they are busy struggling for survival, said Khaing Pray Thein, a Burmese urban refugee in Cox's Bazaar.

"As we are refugees sheltered in Bangladesh, the Bengali language is a must for all of us, and everyone is interested in learning the local language. But no one is able to attend the class because they have to struggle for their daily subsistence as the UNHCR is not providing food and travel expenses during the training period," he said.

The language class is being held in U Korsalla Vidya Bihar primary school in Cox's Bazaar, and is being conducted by the local NGO Resource Integration Center for the UNHCR. Training will be given to refugees for two hours a day from 3 pm to 5 pm, except Fridays, for three months.

Sangita Barua, the teacher appointed by RIC, said, "I cannot start my training classes as yet as no one is coming to attend. It seems that my trainees have some difficulties. I will talk to my organization about the situation as soon as possible."

According to Khaing Pray Thein, there are nearly 300 Burmese urban refugees recognized by the UNHCR in Bangladesh.

He said that most of the refugees are currently sheltered in remote villages in Cox's Bazaar and Bandarban District in southern Bangladesh and are extremely vulnerable because they have been neglected by the UNHCR and other organizations in regard to their legal protection and food and shelter.