Narinjara News

The local authorities have imposed some restrictions on an Arakanese public meeting that is planned to be held soon in Rathidaung in Arakan State.
Industrial and human waste being dumped from foreign factories and worker stations have reportedly caused nearby paddy farms to become uncultivable...
Over 300 local Arakanese people have attended a public meeting that was held by U Phe Than, a member of parliament from the Rakhine Nationalities...
The Burma president Thein Sein has been criticized for ‘playing games with the lives of political prisoners’ by many pro-democracy organizations...
Around 100 Arakanese people welcomed and received the well-known historian Dr. Aye Chan at Yangon airport on the 15th of September when he returned...
A business team that is now in Bangladesh is expected to visit Arakan state, Burma next Friday, according to a report from Cox’sbazar net.
114 Bangladeshi prisoners and 52 Burmese citizens were released today from Sittwe prison in Arakan state, said government officials.
Bangladesh Police arrested 112 people on charge of trying to go to Malaysia crossing the Bay of Bangal in engine boats, said a report of Bangladesh...
Rathidaung: The lawsuit against 45 farmers, filed by the army, for alleged trespassing on their own farmlands in Rathidaung in Arakan State will be...
The residents from Mawlate Ward in downtown Sittwe said they had a fierce argument with the riot police deployed for maintaining security in their...
The Arakan State Parliament is set to resume on the 24th of September, and is expected to answer over 100 questions concerning regional said...
Soldiers are collecting toll taxes from engine-boats that are transporting on the Kaladan River between Kyauktaw in Arakan State and Pletwa in Chin...
An Arakanese elder who was the former chairman of the village council of Tharak Oak Village in Kyauktaw Township in Arakan State was killed by...
The Chairman of the Union Election Commission has reportedly warned the leaders of three Muslim political parties to control rising birthrates among...
The U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, Mr. Joseph Yun and his U.S. delegation have met regional officials as well as...
