The Pauktaw Township chairman, Khin Maung Lwin, has summoned all officials with authority related to yesterday’s election in the township after the USDP was soundly defeated by the RNDP ...
Pauk Taw: The Pauktaw Township chairman, Khin Maung Lwin, has summoned all officials with authority related to yesterday’s election in the township after the USDP was soundly defeated by the RNDP, said a member of a village election commission on condition of anonymity.
He said, "The township chairman summoned the village chairmen, polling station officers, and village election commissioners from several villages to his office in Pauktaw after the USDP was defeated by the RNDP. He was angry because the RNDP defeated the USDP in his township."
According to a township commissioner, the Pauktaw Township election commission has already counted the votes for 90 villages where the USDP failed to win. Only 10 villages remain for the vote tally, but the USDP is not expected to win in those villages either.
"The township chairman is likely to blame and investigate those people concerned with the polling around the township regarding the USDP's defeat. But it is no problem whatever he does because we were working neutrally for the poll during the election," he said.
In Pauktaw Township, four candidates from the RNDP - U Aung Kya Zaw (People's Parliament), U Kyaw Tun Aung (Nationalities Parliament), U Maung Kyaw Thein, and U Tak Tun Aung (State Parliament) - won their seats in yesterday's election.