New party distributes manifesto among Arakanese for 2010 election

New party distributes manifesto among Arakanese for 2010 election
A new political party the Amyo Thar ye party, National party, has distributed some pamphlets in Burmese regarding its party policy among Arakanese people for the 2010 election, said a village elder from Pauk taw Township...

Pauk Taw: A new political party the Amyo Thar ye party, National party, has distributed some pamphlets in Burmese regarding its party policy among Arakanese people for the 2010 election, said a village elder from Pauk taw Township.

"Three strangers came to our village last week and distributed many pamphlets among the villagers. They told us to read the pamphlets carefully and study the party policy. One day the party leaders will visit the village to explain the party policy in relation to the 2010 election," he said.

In the pamphlets most of the content has to do with the 2010 election.

"The party explained through the pamphlets why it has decided to contest the 2010 election . It is the only way to democracy in Burma, the pamphlet says," the elder said.

The party seemed to be pro Burmese military junta because they can move in the villages freely without any hindrance.

According to local sources, the people came to Pauktaw Township from Sittwe, the capital of Arakan state, to distribute the policy pamphlets for 2010 election.

The so called Amotha Ye party may be led by pro SPDC's Aye Lwin group which was formed in the name of 88 generation students.

A political source from Sittwe said that two political groups United National Party (UNP), known as Tasanya, and Amothr Ye Party are now mobilizing people from Sittwe to join the two political outfits.

Some educated and middle class wealthy people in Sittwe are reportedly considering joining the party hoping for business opportunities.

The United National Party which was formed by former Burma Socialist Programe Party (BSPP) members has started its organizational work in Arakan and some people in 17 townships in Arakan are reportedly selected in the township level committee.

In Sittwe, the issue of the 2010 election is being discussed among the people and some politicians are waiting for an opportunity to form political parties to contest the elections.