After affects of violence: Matriculation exam’s result disappointing in Arakan

After affects of violence: Matriculation exam’s result disappointing in Arakan
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The students of Arakan have shown disappointing result in the matriculation examination of Burma (Myanmar). The result of the 10th class final examination, conducted by the Myanmar examination board, was announced on June 8, where only 21.17 percent students of Arakan have cleared the examination.

 Matriculation exam’s result disappointing in Arakan

Against the unsatisfactory result for the 2012-13 educational year, over 28 percent Arakanese students passed the examination last year. Meanwhile, the students of Mon State topped the list in 2012-13 academic session with 47. 38 percent of passing.

Interacting with Narinjara, an official of Rakhine State education department informed that the higher authority was looking over why the rate of passing of students in Arakan was low this year.

“I can not say the reason behind the disappointing result of the students of Arakan. The high ranking officials in our department are now examining the real cause for the poor performance this year,” the official said.

But there are few people in education department itself, who believe that the sectarian violence that broke out in various places of Arakan during June and October last year made a negative impact on the reading habit of students.

Even many schools and other educational institutions of Arakan remained closed for many days last year because of the deteriorated law and order situation. Many students in the violence affected areas left schools for weeks.

The final assessment this year held in March, where only 8 students from Arakan passed the matriculation examination with gold marks. Similarly 20 students from the State received distinction marks in five subjects.

When a student scores over 80% mark in six subjects namely English, Mathematics, Economics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology, he or she is given a mark of distinction in Burma.  All the six subjects carry question papers with 100 marks each.