Unification agenda: RNDP and ALD delegates to meet in Yangon

Unification agenda: RNDP and ALD delegates to meet in Yangon
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Rakhine National Development Party (RNDP) and Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) are on way to merge into one organization. Six delegates from RNDP and another six delegates from ALD will meet in Yangon tomorrow (Saturday) to finalize the process, said the leaders representing both the Arakan based parties.

RNDP president Dr Aye Maung is expected to lead his team, while ALD vice president U Kyaw Myint will lead the other team.

“The meeting will be held at the office of Rakhine Thahaya Association in Yangon and it is scheduled to start at 9 am. The leaders are optimistic about the meeting,” said U Tha Tun Hla, a leader of RNDP.

Besides the delegates of both the parties, prominent monks and representatives from social organizations will also attend the meeting as observers.

“The initiative to combine the parties has been supported by the members of both the political parties. Hence we expect a satisfactory outcome,” said ALD president U Aye Tha Aung. He expressed optimism while Narinajara interviewed him recently.

It is understood that Arakanese across the globe are enthusiastically looking forward to the Saturday meeting as the development has the potential to change the faces of Arakanese living inside Burma and abroad.