5 Arakanese members elected as central committee member posts of NLD

5 Arakanese members elected as central committee member posts of NLD
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Yangon: Five Arakanese NLD members have been elected as central committee posts of the National League for Democracy during the NLD conference held in Yangon, the formal capital of Burma, on March 8 to 10, according to NLD sources.

Suu-Kyi-speaking-at-NLD-Congress-on-SaturdayU Soe Lay, vice president of the NLD Arakan state commission for the conference, said that one of the senior Arakanese leader U Kyaw Khaing from Taungup in Arakan state was elected as an advisory board member along with senior NLD leader U Tin Oo and U Win Tin.

U Nyi Pu who won a parliamentary seat in the 1990 election in Gwa Township Arakan state, become a Central Executive Committee (CEC) and central committee (CC) member in the conference.

U U Thein Maung, the 1990 election winner of Maung Aung Township, U Maung Krun Aung, the 1990 election winner of Rathidaung Township and U Min Aung, a former political prisoner, were elected as Central Committee members during the NLD conference.

“We were satisfied with the conference. There were some Arakanese leaders elected in central committee posts. We hope we can do more work for our people and party affairs than previous time. I also welcome our party leaders speech in the conference because our leaders vowed to carry out ethnic affairs effectively in the future,” U Soe Lay said.

41 delegates from Arakan state had a chance to attend the NLD conference but 39 delegates attended in the conference as 2 delegates were absent.

The delegates are from all townships of Arakan state except Buthidaung and Maungdaw Township where the delegates could not be elected to attend the conference due to a few obstacles.

NLD won nine seats in Arakan state in the 1990 election