Prominent Myanmese Nationals Receive Death Threats

Prominent Myanmese Nationals Receive Death Threats
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Prominent Myanmese nationals, including politicians, former student leaders and even an ex-prime minister have been threatened with charges and even death sentences, which could involve the International Criminal Court of The Hague in the Netherlands, according to the Burmese journal, the Messenger.

Anonymous-LetterThe journal which named Thein Nyunt, a Lower House MP for the New Democracy Party (NNDF) was apparently sent to his Yangon office address. The other individuals who were threatened were: Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP) President; Dr Aye Maung, Arakan State Chief; U Hla Maung Tin, 88 Generation student leader; Ko Ko Gyi and ex-Prime Minister; U Khin Nyunt.

The journal stated U Thein Nyunt was accused in the letter of stealing 60 million kyats (US $70,298.94) from the Arakanese community in return for speaking favorably of Arakanese Buddhists during parliamentary proceedings.

According to the journal, Dr Aye Maung told a reporter he’s not threatened by the accusations and it’s the authorities’ responsibilities to find those who are responsible, and take appropriate action.

All the people mentioned in the letter don’t recognize the Rohingya as an ethnic nationality in Burma. This leads analysts to speculate that they were threatened by opponents over this issue.