Burmese authority enforced a curfew in another town in Arakan State

Burmese authority enforced a curfew in another town in Arakan State
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Burmese authorities yesterday imposed curfews in Kyauk Taw, a town located at upper Kaladan River of Arakan state, amid fears of further unrest following an eruption of deadly sectarian violence.

Rice-Mill-burn-down-by-MuslimA rice mill owned by an Arakanese was burnt down by a group of Muslim in Taung Pauk village of Kyauk Taw Township in most recent violence.

U Soe Nyein, KyaukTaw townships’ lawmaker in Arakan state parliament, said the township authority invited eminent town elders on Wednesday to government office and told them there is a curfew in Kyauk Taw imposed by authority from 8 of August.

“ The authorities told us the curfew which covers the whole township of Kyauk Taw and runs for 12 hours from 7:00pm (1130 GMT),” he said.

The situation will be calmed around Kyauk Taw Township after the curfew is imposed. The police and the army stepped in to control rioting that started on the 5 August, he said.

Hundreds of local Muslim villagers were homeless after their homes were set ablaze by Arakanese rioters in Kyauk Taw, 80 miles north of Sitwe.

The violence broke out in the area after a group of Muslims attacked and destroyed a highway bus station where many window glasses were broke down by them, said U Soe Nyein.

Many local people from both sides are now anxious after the violence erupted again in Arakan.