Public admiration and credibility are more valuable than power: Ko Ko Gyi

Public admiration and credibility are more valuable than power: Ko Ko Gyi
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A prominent Burmese student leader, Ko Ko Gyi, said public admiration and credibility are more important than power for the politicians and activists in a public meeting that was held in Kyaukpru in Arakan State.

Ko-Ko-Gyi-1The meeting was held from 7 am to 11:30 am on 4 August at Parahita Buddhist Monastery in Kyaukpru before his team of 88-Generation Students left for Rangoon after completing their visiting tour of Arakan State. It was attended by over 200 local Arakanese people who included politicians and young activists.

“Our leaders, including politicians and even young activists should endeavor to earn public admiration and credibility because those qualifications are more valuable and brilliant than power”, said Ko Ko Gyi while delivering the concluding speech in the meeting.

He has also urged the local politicians and activists to work harder for their people in order to establish public credibility.

“I would like to urge and suggest all our fellow politicians and activists to work more than present measures to establish public admiration and credibility. We have no power, but wherever we go, we  are able to at home with warm and enthusiastic welcomes from our people. Such qualifications are more powerful than so-called authoritative power. Everyone can build such qualifications by themselves”, he said.

Ko Ko Gyi also said it is very important to establish unity among the Arakanese peoples in Arakan State as well as among all ethnic nationalities in the Union of Burma to overcome the present obstacles emerging in the country.

Ko-Ko-GyiWhile speaking on the citizenship matter, he said, “According to the constitution, but I don’t mean the present constitution, every citizen is entitled to equal rights and for the right to equal protection by the state. It is the legal matter we have to accept. So, one must be sure if they have become citizens according to the law or by illegal means. All people who are certified as citizens in conformity with the law are equal and the discriminative laws and treatment against some particular citizens must be taken in special considerations with respect to the existing laws and international human rights standards.”

Concerning border security in the country, he said comparing the measures being taken in India and USA in his speech in the public meeting. He has also honored Ven. U Oattama for his sacrifices for Burma’s nationalistic movements and independence in his speech.

Local Buddhist monks, politicians and students were among those attending the public meeting held by the visiting team of the 88-Generation Students. A Buddhist monk from Maungdaw, U Tin Phe, a lawmaker of the state parliament from Kyaukpru, and Ko Ba La, a youth leader of Kyaukpru also delivered their respective speeches in the meeting.

The team of 88-Generation Students led by Ko Ko Gyi visited Ma Thidar Htwe’s family living in Rambree’s Kyauknimaw (Thapraychaung) Village and the Madae Island in Kyaukpru Township on their tour as well.

The team left from Kyaukpru to Rangoon by Air Mandalay in the afternoon on 4 August after completing their public meeting.