Burma’s President Scheduled to Arrive in Bangladesh Next Month

Burma’s President Scheduled to Arrive in Bangladesh Next Month
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The president of Burma, U Thein Sein, is expected to arrive in Dhaka on a three-day state visit starting July 15 at the invitation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, according to a report of New Age, a daily English-language paper in Bangladesh.

U-Thein-SeinThe newspaper published the report quoting foreign ministry officials of Bangladesh.

Repatriation of “undocumented Burmese nationals” and Burmese refugees will be among the major agenda items in discussion between the two sides during the visit, the report said.

A wide range of issues, including connectivity, cooperation in the energy sector, border management, creating direct road and air links, enhancing trade and cooperation in education and tourism, will also be on the table for discussion, they said.

The two countries will hold the “foreign office consultation” at the beginning of next month in Dhaka for “shepherding” issues prior to the visit of Burma’s president.

Burma’s Deputy Foreign Minister Maung Myint is set to visit Dhaka on 1 July for three days for the consultation. Foreign Secretary Mijarul Quayes will lead the Bangladesh side at the meeting.
It was learned that the chiefs of the border guards of the two countries are also set to hold a meeting in Dhaka, starting 2 June, to discuss border management issues.