ALP and Arakan State Government Sign a Five-Point Peace Deal

ALP and Arakan State Government Sign a Five-Point Peace Deal
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The Arakan Liberation Party and the government of western Burma’s Arakan State have signed a five-point peace deal on Thursday in the regional capital of Sittwe in an initiative to build peace between them.

Thukha, the joint-general secretary (2) of the ALP, and the second leader of the party’s peace delegations, told Narinjara that they were able to reach a five-point agreement in their two-day peace talks with the regional government.

“We have signed the agreements to stop fighting each other, to open liaison offices in Kyauktaw and Paletwa for mutual communication, not to cross each others’ areas holding weapons without prior information or negotiation, to allow members of the ALP free travel across the nation, and to continue negotiations for the activities to build peace and development inside Arakan State,” said Khine Thukha, adding that the agreements would come into effect from 6 April.

Their two-day peace meeting was held in Sittwe Hotel on the sea beach in Sittwe from 4 April.

The Arakan State Chief Minister U Hla Maung Tin, the Minister of the Ministry of Security and Border Affairs, Colonel Htin Lin, the Chief of the Western Command Lt. Colonel Myo Min Naung, Regional Advocate General U Hla Thein, and the Director General of the Border Areas Development, U Soe Win, were said to have led the government delegations while meeting with the 18-member ALP delegations led by Vice-President U Khine Soe Naing Aung.

“The government side led by Colonel Htin Lin has signed the agreement, while I, our executive committee member Khine Tun Lunn, Lt. Colonel Moe Chan, and Major Khine Myo Chite from our side have signed the agreement,” said Khine Thukna.

“We presume this is the first step to solve the political problem by political means and hope that we will be able to make progress from this step as well,” he said.

Thousands of local residents in Sittwe were hoisting the ALP’s flags, holding banners and placards that read with good wishes and support for the ALP and playing the Arakanese traditional drums, received the ALP’s peace delegation led by U Khine Soe Naing Aung when they arrived at the town from Rangoon by plane on 4 April.

“That shows what the people want is similar to what we are striving for,” said Khine Thukha, expressing thanks to the people for their support and welcoming his party.