Sittwe University Bans Hair Coloring

Sittwe University Bans Hair Coloring
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Sittwe University in western Burma’s Arakan State has banned its students and teachers from coloring their hair, demanding they maintain their natural black hair according to students and teachers of the university.


A student said a notice banning hair coloring has been declared by Sittwe University principal U Tin Maung Tun on the notice board in the university. In the notice, students and teachers have not allowed to attend the university with red colored hair.

“Our principal has now passed an order that no student or teacher will be allowed to attend the university if they have dyed their normal black hair with different colors, such as gold or red and that those who do not comply with the order and attend the university will be fined 1,500 Kyat”, said a female student in the university.

A teacher of the university speaking on condition of anonymity also confirmed that the order was passed by the principal last week, as hair coloring does not conform with local tradition and culture.

“We have found out that the western influenced hair coloring and dressing among our students and teachers are increasing in the university. There are so many good and excellent things we have to learn from the western countries, but not hair coloring and dressing that do not conform with our own traditional and cultural values. That is why the principal has passed the order to preserve our values in the campus”, said the teacher.

On the other hand, Arakanese patriotic students are urging their fellow students to attend the university wearing the Arakanese traditional white shirt and sarong every Wednesday as a step for preserving their own traditional and cultural values.

It was learned that many Arakanese students in the university have been attending the university with Arakanese traditional dresses every Wednesday, the day is a symbol of Arakan among the seven days of the week.