Student Leader Ko Htay Kywe Released from Buthidaung Prison

Student Leader Ko Htay Kywe Released from Buthidaung Prison
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Ko Htay Kywe, one of the imprisoned leaders of the 88 Generation Students, was released from Buthidaung Prison in western Burma's Arakan State in the early morning on Friday.

Ko Htay Kywe

"Ko Htay Kywe and 30 others were freed from the prison here and the authorities took them to Sittwe by Malikha Express Vessel at 7 am today to send them back home," said a source close to the prison.

An official of the Malikha Express Vessel also confirmed that they had been taken to Sittwe in their boat.

"31 tickets were booked from our office for the released student leader Ko Htay Kywe and other political prisoners and the local students and politicians also followed to accompany them in our vessel to Sittwe," said the official from Malikha Express.

He said many local people gathered to greet the freed political prisoners around the jetty of the vessel.

According to the prison source, Ko Se Thu Maung, Ko Thant Sin Myo, Ko Aung Zaw Oo, Ko Kyaw Win San, Ko Maung Maung Latt, U Pyi Kyaw, and U Kyaw Min were also released along with Ko Htay Kywe from the prison this morning.

Prison sources reported 18 prisoners were also released in the early morning today from Sittwe Prison, in the capital of Arakan State. Among them are nine political prisoners, one monk, two former intelligence officers, and four Wa nationals. At Kyauk Pru Prison, nine political prisoners were released.