UN rejects appeal to unseat junta

UN rejects appeal to unseat junta
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New Delhi - The United Nations General Assembly has rejected an appeal by Burma's elected members of parliament in the 1990 general elections to replace the ruling junta's representatives at the World Body, the UN said on Friday...

New Delhi - The United Nations General Assembly has rejected an appeal by Burma's elected members of parliament in the 1990 general elections to replace the ruling junta's representatives at the World Body, the UN said on Friday.

Michele Montas, UN Secretary-General's spokesperson, on Friday said the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Patricia O'Brien, has responded to the appeal saying that the Secretary General will not take action on the letter as it does not comply with the legal requirement set out in Rule 27 of Rules of Procedure.

Burma's opposition groups in exile including Members of Parliament Union (MPU) had appealed to the UN to review the credentials of the ruling junta's representatives and urged that they be replaced.

According to MPU and other Burmese Opposition in exile, the junta does not deserve a seat at the UN as they have not been elected to rule the country. It continues to remain in power with the use of force and military might.

But Montas said, the UN's legal chief, Patricia O'Brien "has responded to the letter and the Secretary-General's technical role in reviewing the formal criteria for credentials set forth in the General Assembly's rules of procedure."

The Rule 27 of the Rules of Procedure says credentials shall be issued by the Heads of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the country.

Ko Ko Lay, Operation Director of the 'credentials challenge campaign' in New York said despite  the UN's rejection, they will continue exposing the appalling human rights violations in Burma under the military junta and will continue appealing to the international community as well as the UN to take a stronger stand against the junta.

Meanwhile, the UN spokeswoman Montas said, the World Body Chief Ban Ki-moon on Saturday will convene and chair a high-level meeting of the Group of Friends of the Secretary-General on Burma.

The Group will hear remarks by the Secretary-General and a briefing by his Special Adviser for Burma Ibrahim Gambari on recent developments in the country.

"The Secretary-General looks forward to constructive discussion," Montas said.

The Group of Friends comprises of Australia, China, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, Russia, Singapore, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States, Vietnam and the rotating European Union president.

At their last meeting in July, the group of friends will be meeting for the fifth time.