Credentials Committee of the UN to decide on Burma

Credentials Committee of the UN to decide on Burma
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Burmese opposition groups in exile said the first step towards challenging the ruling military junta's membership of the United Nations has proceeded smoothly, as the World Body chief has admitted their petition ...

New Delhi - Burmese opposition groups in exile said the first step towards challenging the ruling military junta's membership of the United Nations has proceeded smoothly, as the World Body chief has admitted their petition to the General Assembly.

"The UN General Secretary has conveyed the message and admitted our petition to the General Assembly. There has been no rejection. So the first step is successful," said Myo Win, Joint General Secretary (2) of the National Council of the Union of Burma, an umbrella Burmese group that led the campaign.

"The General Assembly has accepted the petition and it will be discussed by the Credentials Committee," he added.

Burmese opposition groups in exile, including the NCUB, Members of Parliamentary Union (MPU), and International Burmese Monks Organisation or Sasana Moli on September 9, submitted a petition challenging the credentials of the Burmese junta at the world body.

The 63rd UN General Assembly, which began its session on September 16, has appointed a nine-member Credentials Committee which includes Botswana, China, Cyprus, United States, Russia, Luxembourg, Mexico, Mozambique and Saint Kitts, and Nevis on the opening day of the session.

The credential challenge will be first reviewed and discussed by the committee before taking a decision on it. Only if the committee decides to put it forward, will it be submitted to the General Assembly for a final decision.

Myo Win said, "Most of the members from the Credential Committee are in solidarity with us, except a few countries, so we are optimistic."

"But we know China and Russia will oppose the petition in the committee but there is no provision for the use of veto power," said Myo Win.

Burma became a UN member state in 1948 and from 1961 to 1971, U Thant, a Burmese diplomat served as the third General Secretary.

Burma enjoyed a brief period of parliamentary democracy following its independence from British rule in the period 1948 to 1962.  But in March 1962, the military led by former General Newin grabbed power in a coup and transformed the country into a socialist state.

But in 1988, Burmese people rejected the socialist form of governance and ousted Newin and his one party system in a mass protest. But the legacy of the military went on when the current batch of generals assumed power in a coup in September 1988.

The junta in 1990 held general elections, where detained opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi led National League for Democracy party won a landslide victory. However, the junta refused to hand over power and continued to rule the country with an iron grip.

The Burmese opposition groups in exile, which have launched the credential challenge to oust the junta at the UN, argue that as the generals have been forcibly retaining power and have ruled the country illegally, therefore the UN should review its credential.

"We also hope that this campaign will highlight the sufferings of the people of Burma," Myo Win said.