Prominent writer, astrologer Min Thein Kha expires

Prominent writer, astrologer Min Thein Kha expires
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Mizzima News
Chiang Mai — Prominent writer and astrologer Min Thein Kha died on Friday morning at a private clinic in Rangoon after suffering from numerous ailments.

Chiang Mai — Prominent writer and astrologer Min Thein Kha died on Friday morning at a private clinic in Rangoon after suffering from numerous ailments.

Min Thein Kha, (70) was a renowned writer and a famous astrologer. He and was suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, and other ailments over the last five years. He passed away on Friday at Rangoon 's ThukhaKaba clinic, one of his pupil said.

"He died this morning at about 6 a.m. He was hospitalized since July 4. Doctors on July 15 discharged him from the clinic but since his health deteriorated, we took him to the clinic again yesterday," the pupil told Mizzima over telephone.

Min Thein Kha, who owns a ranch known as 'Ayudaw Mingalar' at Hmawbe Township , is known for his adventurous novels, fictional detective and historical and legendary stories. His characters including 'Sarpalin Hninmaung and Sanay Maung Maung' are popular among readers in Burma .

He was also famous for his astrological predictions and particularly known for giving names to famous actors, actresses and singers before they began their careers as celebrities.

In Burma , despite the modern lifestyle fast being adapted, people still believe in superstitious practices like renaming themselves before they choose a career to be successful.

Despite his later popularity Min Thein Kha did not have a successful beginning. As a young man, he worked hard as a waiter in a teashop in Central Burma 's Chuak town in Magwe division.

He was also famously known for his benevolence in providing free food to whoever came to his 'Ayudaw Mingalar' ranch in Hmawbe township near Rangoon .