Singers to raise funds for cyclone victims with new album

Singers to raise funds for cyclone victims with new album
by -
Myint Maung
New Delhi – Lending a helping voice, 22 Burmese pop singers will soon release a music album to raise funds for cyclone victims.

New Delhi – Lending a helping voice, 22 Burmese pop singers will soon release a music album to raise funds for cyclone victims.

The new album, which will have 15 songs dedicated to cyclone victims, is under production in Nawaratt Studio in Rangoon, by several bands including the 'Emperor', 'Plus Three', 'Aurora' and 'Spectrum'.

"We are not looking at monetary gains. It [the album] will be singers and artistes contribution for cyclone victims," Song Oo Hlaing, a prominent Burmese singer and composer told Mizzima.

He added that all the singers have agreed to contribute without taking any share of the proceedings, which will go directly go to cyclone victims.

"There are many of our fans among the victims. Artistes survive on the support of their audience and fans," another popular singer Sie Thu Lwin, who will also join the group of singers for the album told Mizzima.

Besides Song Oo laing and Sie Thu Lwin, other prominent singers like Ringo, Graham, Htoo El Lin, Nweh Yee Win, May Khalar, Haymar Nay Win, Connie, Tin Zar Maw, Lay Lay Wah, Kabyar Bwe Hmu, Chaw Suu Khin, Mee Mee Khel, Sone Thin Par, Moe Moe Zaw Win, Than Thar Win, Shin Phone, Khin Phone, Zamnu, Ah Hmu and Kaizar will join in producing the album.

The album, which is to be produced by Cooperative Bank Ltd. Chairman U Khin Maung Aye, is being arranged by Burmese prominent drummer Wei Tun in his Nawaratt studio in Rangoon.

The album will include a song solely dedicated to the sufferings, pains, and miseries of cyclone victims, written by Song Oo Hlaing.

"This song will be sung in a chorus by all the artistes," Song Oo Hlaing said.

Song Oo Hlaing said he had written three songs after Cyclone 'Marlar' flooded Shwepyithar Township in Rangoon Division last year.

"After Cyclone Nargis, I wrote more songs and added it to this album. I wrote these songs to encourage our people and to boost their morale. The main theme of this album encourages our people for reconstruction and rehabilitation," Saung Oo Hlaing said.