General Assembly President meets with UN envoy

General Assembly President meets with UN envoy
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Mizzima News
Meeting with the top United Nations official for Burma, General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim yesterday called for engagement and commitment from all parties to further national reconciliation.

Meeting with the top United Nations official for Burma, General Assembly President Srgjan Kerim yesterday called for engagement and commitment from all parties to further national reconciliation.

In a statement issued in New York, Kerim voiced confidence in the role and work of Special Envoy Ibrahim Gambari, who recently completed a visit to Burma and who is mandated by the UN General Assembly to "promote national reconciliation, democracy and human rights" in Burma.

Kerim said he was encouraged by the fact that the Special Envoy was able to meet with key figures, including pro-democracy leader and Nobel Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, as well as with the Referendum Convening Commission and the Constitution Drafting Committee.

The President appealed for "serious engagement and strong commitment from all parties to continue a process of national reconciliation that needs to be credible and inclusive," the statement noted.

Last month Burmese authorities announced the holding of a constitutional referendum this May, to be followed by "multi-party democratic elections" in 2010, and Kerim today aired hope that Burma's government will be open to possibly allowing the UN to monitor future polls.

The most recent in-country visit by the Special Envoy was his third since authorities in Burma cracked down on peaceful demonstrators last year, resulting in dozens of deaths and thousands arrested.