State owned MTE plans to sell over 600,000 tonnes timber in 2014-2015

State owned MTE plans to sell over 600,000 tonnes timber in 2014-2015
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The state owned Myanmar Timber Enterprise has harvested over 600,000 tonnes of teak and other hardwood’s for sale in the 2014-15 fiscal year, says the general manager of the organisation.

U Khun Aung Soe told Mizzima on September 11 that despite the suspension of export trade in full logs the MTE had so far made K28 billion in income from the auction logs to local customers and logs cut into timbers for both local and international buyers.
He added that the best quality timber is sold by the External Sales Department in US dollars but at these auctions both international and local businessmen can bid. Sales of timbers of a lower quality sold by the Internal Sales Department are made in kyat.