Recommendations for Pyithu Hluttaw electoral system to be submitted in September

Recommendations for Pyithu Hluttaw electoral system to be submitted in September
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The commission tasked with making recommendations for a future electoral system to be used in the Pyithu Hluttaw is due to submit its report to the lower house of parliament on September 15, U Than Win, (Pyithu Hluttaw, USDP, Taungdwingyi Township, Magway Region) joint-secretary of the commission told Mizzima on September 8.

Chairman of the commission, U Tin Maung Oo (Pyithu Hluttaw, USDP, Shwepyithar Township, Yangon Region) told Mizzima that they plan to submit a proposal that will cause the least controversy possible between the Union Solidarity and Development Party, the National League for Democracy and the major parties representing ethnic minorities.

U Tin Maung Oo said the proposed system would also conform to existing constitutional laws and would not remove the role of the Tatmadaw.

On September 9 the recommendations of all 24 members of the commission would be compiled and assessed for areas of common ground, said U Tin Maung Oo.
He added that the report would be submitted to the hluttaw for debate but that no deadline existed for the finalising of any decisions over a future electoral system and that the target of this report was not to deliver a new system in time for the 2015 election but rather to deliver a better future for the nation.

U Than Win said the report would come with appendices that reviewed advice from local and foreign organisations and electoral experts.

On September 4 and 5 the commission met for discussions with the US based National Democratic Institute, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, based in Sweden and the German Hans Seidel Foundation.