Monks assembly declines to discuss religious harmony proposal

Monks assembly declines to discuss religious harmony proposal
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Senior monks from the nine main Buddhist sects in Myanmar at an assembly hosted by the state-sponsored State Central Sangha Organisation, at the Kaba Aye Pagoda in Yangon on May 12. The assembly, the first of its kind in 19 years, is being attended by more than 2,500 monks. Photo: Hein Htet/Mizzima

A meeting of the state-sponsored governing body for Buddhist monks, the State Central Sangha Organisation, has declined to discuss a suggestion that it issue proposals for the peaceful resolution of religious issues in Myanmar.

 Hein Htet/Mizzima

The suggestion was made on May 13 by a member of the organisation, the Venerable Bhadanda Wimala, at an assembly being attended more than 2,500 monks from the nine main Buddhist sects in Myanmar.

The two-day assembly, the first of its kind in Myanmar in 19 years, began at the Kaba Aye Pagoda in Yangon on May 12.

The Venerable Bhadanda Wimala, who was identified only as being from Tanintharyi Region, made the suggestion during a discussion on a recommendation that the members of all sects should obey instructions issued by the State Central Sangha Organisation, which was adopted by the gathering.

Speaking on the sidelines of the gathering, another member of the organisation, the Venerable U Thiri, told Mizzima that he welcomed the suggestion by Venerable Bhadanda Wimala.

Religious issues needed to be resolved in a systematic way and there should be clear instructions from the State Central Sangha Organisation, the Venerable U Thiri said.