NLD, 88 Generation movement back strategy to educate public on constitutional reform

NLD, 88 Generation movement back strategy to educate public on constitutional reform
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Members of the 88 Generation Peace and Open Society movement at their meeting with National League for Democracy leader, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, at her lakeside residence in Yangon on April 21. Photo: 88 Generation Peace and Open Society

 88 Generation Peace and Open Society

The National League for Democracy and the 88 Generation Open Society movement have agreed on a  strategy to educate the public about the importance of constitutional reform, an 88 Generation leader, Ko Min Ko Naing, said on April 21.

“The success of constitutional reform depends on the motivation of the people; first we must engage the public before achieving their cooperation,” said Ko Min Ko Naing, who was speaking after a meeting at NLD leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s University Avenue residence.

“Throughout history, this has been the only effective method to deliver change,” he said.

The meeting, the third between the NLD and the 88 Generation Open Society movement on constitutional reform, agreed that the education campaign must begin within months.

“We don’t want the blind support of the people,” Ko Min Ko Naing said. “We want the public to fully appreciate why they want change and what is required to make that a reality, only thencan we expect their cooperation.”

U Min Ko Naing said constitutional reform was essential. He referred in particular to Article 436, which provides for 25 percent of hluttaw members to be appointed members of the military, giving them an effective veto over charter change, which requires the support of more than 75 percent of the Union parliament.

The NLD and the 88 Generation Open Society movement first met to discuss constitutional reform on February 4, beforereleasing a statement a week later announcing their plansto work closer together on the issue ahead of the elections due to be held late next year.