Hluttaw's constitutional implementation committee announced

Hluttaw's constitutional implementation committee announced
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A new Hluttaw committee to implement constitutional changes suggested by the former, Joint Parliamentary Constitution Review Committee, has been announced.


The implementation committee, announced by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker, Thura U Shwe Mann on February 3 in Naypyidaw, will be responsible for enacting recommendations made in a report by the Joint Parliamentary Constitution Review Committee, submitted on January 31.

Altogether, 31 Hluttaw representatives have been appointed to the implementation committee.

They include 11 Representatives from USDP, seven military Hluttaw representatives who are ranked higher than lieutenant colonel and two representatives from the National League for Democracy.

U Nanda Kyaw Swar, the vice chairman of Pyithu Hluttaw will chair the committee, with U Mya Nyein, the vice chairman of the Amyothar Hluttaw, appointed as vice chairman and Thura U Aye Myint as secretary.

"The report submitted by the former Joint Parliamentary Constitution Review Committee was not a final decision and will be kept as records in the Hluttaw," the central executive committee member of the NLD, U Win Myint said on February 2.

U Win Myint and his NLD colleague, U Aung Kyi Nyunt were chosen to be among the members of the implementation committee.

The former Joint Parliamentary Constitution Review Committee submitted on January 31, a report which included more than 28,000 recommendation letters from the public, civil societies, Tatmadaw members and political parties to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw of suggested changes to the charter.

The report claimed that about 1000 people supported an amendment of Article 59(f) of the constitution, to allow the NLD chairman, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, to contest the presidency.

The report also claimed that more than 100,000 people did not want to Article 59(f) amended.