Constitution review panel to meet deadline, say MPs

Constitution review panel to meet deadline, say MPs
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The joint parliamentary constitution review committee expects to meet the January 31 deadline for submitting its long-awaited report to the Pyiduangsu Hluttaw, Mizzima was told on January 29.

Parliamentary sources told Mizzima that a disagreement among committee members which had threatened to delay the submission of the report had been resolved.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the sources said it had been decided to include in the report a petition opposing amendments to the constitution.

Parliamentary sources told Mizzima on January 28 that the some members of the committee had objected to the petition being included in the report.

The petition, signed by more than 140,000 people, was sent to the committee by a member of the Pyithu Hluttaw, U Aung Thein Lin (Union Solidarity and Development Party, South Okkalapa, Yangon Region).

The petition specifically opposes seven constitutional amendments sought by various groups and individuals.

They include proposed amendments to constitutional provisions restricting eligibility for the presidency and to provisions ensuring that 25 percent of seats in the nation’s parliaments are held by appointed members of the military.

After the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw appointed the 109-member joint committee in July it called for proposals to amend the constitution to be submitted by the end of December.

It has received more than 300,000 submissions.