Third Karen groups meeting will discuss demining

Third Karen groups meeting will discuss demining
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Col. Saw San Aung, Strategic Commander of the DKBA Kalohtoobaw HQ said that Karen armed groups will meet for the third time on September 3 to discuss demining, the issue of narcotic drugs and other regional matters.


The Karen armed groups will also discuss differences and disaccord they have with one another, difficulties faced by each group and other routine matters. The meeting will be held in Shwe Kokko village, Myawaddy District, Karen State.

Col. Saw San Aung said, “We will discuss issues pertaining to political matters, public welfare works in Karen State, and cooperation and coordination amongst us.”

The armed groups in Karen state have started forming United Committees and Work Committees jointly since June this year for demining the region, narcotic drugs eradication, political resolution and, most importantly code of conduct to promote healthy relations between the group.

The armed groups agreed to hold a coordination meeting every three months in the territory of each of the armed group. The meeting will be attended by DKBA, KNU, Border Guard Force (BGF), KNU/KNLA Peace Council, Haungtharau Peace Group and Phayagone Peace Group.

Major Naing Maung Zaw of the BGF said that the issue of skirmishes and engagements among them might be discussed in this meeting so that they can adopt rules of engagement.

The first joint meeting of armed groups in Karen State was held in Nawtayar town in Karen state and the second in Myaing Gyi Ngu area, Kawkareik District, Karen state