Minister says Myanmar has only 15 Neurologists

Minister says Myanmar has only 15 Neurologists
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Union Minister Dr. Phay Thet Khin from the Ministry of Health said that there are only 15 Neurologists in the entire country. The statement was made at the Upper House Parliament held on August 21, in response to an inquiry.


U Kyaw Kyaw, Upper House MP from Rakhine State inquired whether the government had any plans to appoint specialists for general hospitals in Sittwe township.

Dr. Phay Thet Khin responded, “The total number of trainees and Neurologists that are currently employed is only 15. They are already appointed at the University of Medicine, Yangon (1) and (2), Naypyidaw, and Mandalay. We do not have sufficient specialists to be appointed at hospitals in other states and divisions.”
He also added that there are only 12 Neurosurgeons all over the country.

U Kyaw Kyaw had submitted an application to the Parliament requesting appointment of  specialists to the general hospital in his constituency. He has requested for Urologists, Neurologists and Gastroenterologists. The Chairman of the Parliament directed the request to the Union Minister.

Dr. Phay Thet Khin elaborated further that it takes a minimum of 12 years for doctors to become specialists. Therefore, in spite of the government's efforts to produce more specialists, it will not happen easily.

He also added that the policy that was practiced by the former government has changed now and trainings for respective subjects for specialists are being provided separately.