Defence budget and expense yet to be examined

Defence budget and expense yet to be examined
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The Members of Parliament in the Union Parliamentary session unanimously agreed on a report stating that the budget-expense details of the Defense Ministry and state-run businesses for the fiscal year 2011-2012, could not be examined so far.

parliament-session-photoThe report was submitted by the Public Accounts Committee on the findings of the Union Auditor General’s Office to the Parliament. It claims that there are differences between the figures compiled by the Union Auditor-General’s Office and the Finance and Revenue Ministry, in the state budget report for the fiscal year 2011-2012.

The report also urged the Union government to draw up a budget and audit plans to ensure that the budget-expense report is submitted to the Union Parliament.         

It also states that details of budget-expense of the Naypyitaw City Development Committee and the Tatmyo Development Affairs Committee for the fiscal year 2011-2012 could not be examined too.