Internet disruption resolved

Internet disruption resolved
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Myanmar Telecommunications Enterprise has fixed the disruption of submarine fibre optics telecommunication cable (SEA-ME-WE3), within eight days. It was estimated to take a month.

The Chief Engineer Saw Sai Lin Tun, External Communication Link department said that the fibre optics cable SEA-ME-WE 3 was disrupted on July 22, resulting in slow internet connection. Internet bandwidth slowed down to 7 GB  throughout the country. According to Myanmar Telecommunications Enterprise, the disruption was been fixed and internet speed restored to its normal bandwidth of 14 GB, at about 5 p.m. on July 30.

The trouble-shooting was first done on the onshore segment of the submarine cable. The fault was located at a section between two miles one furlong and two miles six furlongs from Pyapon, where the power cable laid underground had electricity leakages. About 500 metres of power cables in this segment was replaced under the supervision of the External Communication Link department.

Chief Engineer Saw Sai Lin Tun said, “After replacing a section of the onshore underground cable, we found that the disruption had been fixed and the speed  restored to normal. The submarine section had no problems. So there was no need to call ‘SEA-ME-WE 3 submarine fibre optics cable repair group for further repair.”