Rakhine State government Information Committee Chairman and Advocate General Hla Thein said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Yangon on July 9, “the State has had the high rates of heinous crimes with over 10 murder cases per month in the wake of sectarian violence.”
Hla Thein commented that because of the sectarian violence in the State, and “Because of mistrusts between the two communities, people keep lethal weapons such as swords and sticks ready at their homes so that they can defend themselves if they are targeted. Sometimes, they carry short swords on them when they go out.”
In one year, about 120people were murdered in Rakhine State, which consists of 17 townships. Hla Thein pointed out that many of the people who have been sent behind bars were the breadwinners of the family; therefore, many families in Rakhine now go hungry.
To reduce this appalling number of murders, Rakhine State Social Affairs Minister Dr. Aung Kyaw Min said, “we need to uplift the education in State with high momentum. Because of the sectarian violence, the people could not focus on their education, economics and other basic needs, and moreover many people are unemployed. We must focus and tackle these issues.”
Rakhine National Party central committee member Khin Maung Gyi said, “the economy of the State is agricultural economy. Currently, most of the farmlands cannot be ploughed and grown, so most people are unemployed. In order to buildback a community within the state, the issues of livelihood: education and economy must be tackled first by government stage by stage. And, there must be a rule of law for the restoration of full security and to maintain law and order. Otherwise the murders will persist within the state.”