MAI to fly migrants home half price

MAI to fly migrants home half price
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Myanmar Airways International (MAI) will fly migrants home from Malaysia for half price starting on June 12 due to the “troubles” many are experiencing in that country, said Daw Aye Mara Thar, the MAI marketing manager, speaking to Mizzima on Tuesday.


“This incentive is primarily for workers in Malaysia who are facing troubles. The prices of air ticket will be discounted by 50 percent for these people,” she said.

The Myanmar/Malaysia ticket price from MAI is generally 310 Ringgit per passenger or 93,000 kyat. The new ticket price, one way to Yangon, will cost returning migrants just 46,500 kyat ($US50).

Reports from sources in Selayang, the northern Kula Lumpur suburb where attacks have been taking place, say that either six or seven Myanmar nationals have been killed in what is thought to be an escalation of religious violence seen recently in central Myanmar and in Rakhine State.

Tin Latt, the Myanmar Ambassador in Malaysia, said last week in an interview that more than 400,000 Myanmars are working in Malaysia, some 300,000 of whom are legal, 40,000 illegal, and the rest refugees.