About 200 representatives from 22 farmers’ groups issued a list of nine demands at a forum in Meiktila in Mandalay Region on Sunday, according to a member of the Democracy and Peace Network (DPN).
Spokesperson Ma Thandar said that they focused on the farmers’ difficulties dealing with land confiscations, and discussed how to respond when they were confronted by the authorities while taking legal action to reclaim their lands.
She said their next step is to discuss the issues with MPs in order to put forward relevant motions in parliament.
The nine-point list of demands includes calling on authorities concerned to give back the confiscated lands to the original owners or giving sufficient compensation to the original owners; calling for the drafting of farmland bills; allowing farmers and relevant experts to be included in all dialogue; and holding a nationwide forum of peasants.
The Farmland Investigation Commission will submit its second report to the Union Assembly in June. It has been learnt that the report will include findings about land confiscations.