Naw Kham to be executed on Friday

Naw Kham to be executed on Friday
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Myanmar drug lord Naw Kham and three of his accomplices convicted of murdering 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong River in 2011 will be put to death by lethal injection in Kunming on Friday, March 1, according to reports in the Chinese media.

The Kunming Intermediate People's Court announced that four men were to be put to death on Friday: Naw Kham from Myanmar, and his three accomplices identified as Hsang Kham from Thailand, Yi Lai, stateless, and Zha Xika, a Laotian.

China’s state-run media reported that the men’s appeals were rejected by the court, whereupon their death sentences were submitted to the Supreme People's Court in Beijing for review. “The SPC president signed an execution order after the review procedures were completed,” one report said.

Another two members of Naw Kham's gang, identified as Zha Bo and Zha Tuobo, received a death sentence with reprieve and eight years in prison, respectively.