ADB releases draft documents for Burma’s development

ADB releases draft documents for Burma’s development
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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has released copies of draft consultation reports covering 11 key sectors of Burma’s energy, transportation, poverty, economic reform, education and other areas.

The draft documents, which are posted on the Internet, come under the bank’s country development plan. Stakeholders are welcome to make comments.

The ADB is now preparing a re-engagement strategy, which will guide its approach towards full resumption of operations in Burma after withdrawing its cooperation for decades following the repression by the former military junta.

“The interim strategy provides the framework for rapid reengagement, while affording the space required for further analytical work, capacity building, policy dialogue, and broad-based consultations with all development stakeholders, leading to a fully-fledged country partnership strategy,” the bank said on its website.

The interim strategy, as summarized in the consultation drafts, is based on the bank’s research as well as consultations with the country's government, development partners, civil society, and the business community during the period June to August 2012.

The documents provided on the Internet are drafts for consultation purposes. Comments on the drafts are welcome

The documents include the following:

Sector Assessment (Summary): Agriculture and Natural Resources
Sector Assessment (Summary): Energy
Sector Assessment (Summary): Transport
Sector Assessment (Summary): Urban Development and Water Sector
Economic Analysis (Summary)
Poverty Analysis (Summary)
Gender Analysis (Summary)
Environment Assessment (Summary)
Regional Cooperation and Integration (Summary)
Economic Reform (Summary)
Initial Assessment (Summary): Post-Primary Education

For copies of the summaries, go to